"Message to all entrepreneurs: It is the little things, the basics, that make the difference. Openess, honesty, equality. Do we work with actual humans?"
"Message to all entrepreneurs: It is the little things, the basics, that make the difference. Openess, honesty, equality. Do we work with actual humans?"
Current projects
In the world that we live in, business owners should aim at supporting society more.
That is the basis of my entrepreneurial activity.
Managing Director Finanzcleaner GmbH
Provider of digital solutions in the fields of personal insurance and finances
„Clarity and strucutre in life should also be transferred to your own financials!" „larheit und Struktur im Leben soll sich auch auf die eigenen Finanzen übertragen.“ „Klarheit und Struktur im Leben soll sich auch auf die eige
Value–oriented clothing manufacturer on a purpose–led mission
„Our clothing interacts with society and appeals to the importance of treating oneself and one´s fellow human beings with honesty and love." Most of Nosurance profits are reinvested in social projects.
Value–oriented clothing manufacturer on a purpose–led mission
„Our clothing interacts with society and appeals to the importance of treating oneself and one´s fellow human beings with honesty and love." Most of Nosurance profits are reinvested in social projects.